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Green Coffee Bean Uses and Benefits

  What is Green Coffee Bean? The "green coffee" grains are not yet roasted coffee beans. Coffee beans roasting process reduces the quantity of chemical, chlorogenic acid. Green coffee beans, therefore, have a higher chlorogenic acid level than regular and roasted coffee beans. It is believed that chlorogenic acid in green coffee has health benefits. After being mentioned in Dr. Oz's program in 2012, green coffee became popular for weight loss. It was mentioned by Dr. Oz's program as "The green coffee bean that quickly burns fat" and says it does not take up exercise or diet. Treat obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's disease and bacterial infections with green coffee. Effective of Green Coffee Bean Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database classifies the effectiveness according to the following scale, based on scientific evidence: Effective, Probably Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Probably Ineffective, Ineff...

History of Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are known as grains obtained from tropical perennial plants (coffee trees), phonologically very variable, which, toasted and ground, are used mainly to prepare and drink as an infusion. Coffee beans are known as grains obtained from tropical perennial plants (coffee trees), morphologically very variable, which, toasted and ground, are used mainly to prepare and drink as an infusion.   The genus belongs to the family Rubiaceae ( Rubiaceae ), which has around 500 genera and more than 6000 species, mostly trees, and shrubs. They are mainly of tropical origin, and of wide distribution, they belong to medicinal plants such as ipecacuanha ( Psychotria ipecacuanha), or Cinchona spp., From which quinine is extracted. Taxonomically, all these plants are classified as of the genus Coffea and are characterized by a slit in the central part of the seed. They are found from small shrubs to trees of more than 10 m .; its leaves, which are simple, opposite a...